Sunday, July 18, 2010

G! Festival - day one, two and three (y).


Thursday evening at 3.20pm me, Sólvá, Eyð and Katrin took the bus to Gøta. We gave the dude at the entrance our tickets, and he gave us "entrencebracelet" or what the hell you call it. BUT he gave us the wrong ones, and we didn't even notice it at first - He had given us entrencebracelets to the tentplace! We first found out when a guard told us, that we had wrong bracelets, and couldn't come in. So we went back to the headentrence to reversed the bracelets ..
Allright, the weather was really bad - it was raining a lot and stormy .. Some tents even flew away! The stages were destroyed by the wind, so none band could perform.. The festival was cancelled for a bit more than two hours. And then later that night, the weather got better, the raining stopped and there was almost no wind.. So some bands could perfome after all (y) That night the bands were; Motoboy, FM Belfast, Hamferð - and a few more, don't remember i: After Hamferð me, Eyð, Sólvá and Katrin went to Grundina/the Ground and danced. Sólvá's father picked us up and drove us home at about 3-4am.


We took the bus at 4.20pm to Gøta. I had packed a bag with clothes and shoes, so I could sleep with Lea at someone in her family's house. When we arrived it was raining - again. But none show was cancelled. This night all the bands that couldn't performe the night before, had to performe, too. First we went to some concerts - srsly, i allmost don't remember which bands played i: ..
Later on Týr were playing, and there I stood next to a really cute ginger guy<3 He was really kind :)!
and then, the reason I went to G! Festival this year; ARCH ENEMY! oh my gaaawd, best concert ever! Angela is hot!<3 And they played all my favorite songs - I Will Live Again, Nemesis and that other song(I just forgot the name of it, sorry..) Really, I can't get over it! ARCH ENEMY FTW 8D!!! It was a concert to remember<3
and again; I don't remember all of the other concerts we went to .. xb When Sólvá, Eyð and Katrin went home, I found Fríða, Egi, Teitur, Hervør, Tummas and some other people. me, Fríða and Egi went to Páll Finnur Páll's concert, and after that, we went home. Me and Lea had some troubles with the air mattress..

Me and Lea woke up at about 3pm on a half empty air mattress. Got ready, and she ate breakfast - I wasn't hungry. We put on some warmer clothes and walked down to the festival. Listened to some bands, and then Durita and ragnfild came, too. We decided to swim in the ocean and then go in the sauna afterwards. They went home to Durita to get some towels, while I was waiting for Fríða and Katrin. I found them and they waited with me. We waited for more than a half hour before we didn't want to sit there and waith for Lea, Durita and Ragnhild anymore. So we just walked around, and I tried to call Lea, but she wasn't answering.. So the swim in the ocean was cancelled.
And then me and Fríða went to find Egi and his friend, Ári. We just walked around.
Then me and Fríða found Ólavur and Aron, and Ólavur got me some Nordic Cider (y). The four of us went to meet with Anna, Malan and two of their friends. and we sat and talked and had fun for a long while. Then we all went down to Grundin and danced ;).
~and yeah, got home about 5am.

Well, I did not go into every single detail, so.. ;)

I will post photos from the festival sometime soon :)!

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